Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Wednesday Wisdom: Happiness

One of my worst habits is thinking things like "next week i'll exercise more", "next year I'll work harder towards my goals", "tomorrow I will apply for courses", and worst of all "after I have done all of these next weeks, tomorrows and next years, I will be happy". I saw this quote and it resonated with me A LOT. I am very guilty of seeing happiness as some fantastical destination that I will reach one day. Happiness is making a decision every morning to get up, count your blessings, make a conscious decision to do all the small things that bring light to your life and look for the things that make you smile.

I am not saying that every single day we should be bags of joy and bouncing off the walls, but we certainly shouldn't think of happiness as a place we will reach once we have all our ducks in a row. I have come to the realisation that I don't think that anyone has ever had, in the history of the earth, everything in their life be exactly how they want it to be. i.e. Perfect job, perfect partner, perfect children, perfect house, perfect friends, perfect lifestyle. And for the people that do have their "vision" of perfect in all these accounts could still find themselves feeling unfulfilled, wanting for more and still not happy.

This brings me back to the very title of this post - Wednesday Wisdom. I now have a goal to put up a little piece of wisdom every Wednesday, whether it be something to remind me each week to think on the good things, or something that will make me want to make little changes. Attitude is everything. Attitude determines whether we crawl up in a ball and cry at a bump in the road, or take it in our stride and work through it with determination and don't let it bring us to our knees.

Don't wait to be happy, I assure you, it will never come if you do. Make the conscious decision right now to make happiness your mantra and bring that attitude to each to and every day.

Now I would just like to end this post with revealing some of the things I am thankful for and things that make me smile. It may sound cheesy, and if anything, this is solely for my benefit to help me on my happy journey. It's a big plus if it helps you - I encourage you to write your own lists, even if it is not shared.

  • I'm thankful for my parents, who support me no matter what path I choose
  • I'm thankful for my gorgeous partner who also supports me through everything
  • I love that I can enter my own world in my head and daydream for hours
  • I find the beach incredibly peaceful and it truly ignites my imagination - I need to make the effort to go there more
  • Cups of tea make me smile, every time
  • I am able to be content with my own company
  • I am not ever wanting for food and am blessed with the resources to cook myself nourishing and delicious meals. 

Sending my love and light out into to all your little universes



  1. wow I really love this blog post. It is very true and it is something I do a lot too.. 'I will be happy when I live in LA... become successful.. etc' and happiness shouldn't be a destination. I really love your blog and my blog is a little similar to yours so it would really mean a lot if you checked mine out and maybe left a comment on what you think? I will definitely be following your blog xx

    1. Hey! Thanks, a follow would be great it would definitely motivate me to keep on writing. I will definitely check out your blog soon when I have a bit of a reading session! xx
